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Black River Caviar and the conquest of the Pacific

By Amy Herrick | May 25, 2015

As part of its regional expansion strategy, this month Black River Caviar managed to enter one of the most attractive markets of the Pacific: Peru

Deleitando paladares en Japón

By Amy Herrick | May 25, 2015

Black River Caviar oficializa acuerdo con Arcane, uno de los referentes japoneses en distribución de alimentos premium en el país asiático.

Delighting palates in Japan

By Amy Herrick | May 25, 2015

Black River Caviar made official its relationship with the prestigious Japanese company Arcane, and it will provide the caviar to be distributed among the best restaurants in the Asian country

El caviar uruguayo se afianza en Chile

By Amy Herrick | May 25, 2015

A dos años de su introducción, Black River Caviar continúa reforzando su posicionamiento en el mercado chileno

Uruguayan caviar consolidates in Chile

By Amy Herrick | May 25, 2015

It’s been two years since the introduction of our products to the Chilean market, known for its vast culture in sea products

Mario Fernández

By Amy Herrick | May 12, 2015

[email protected]


By Amy Herrick | May 12, 2015

Las Garzas esquina Golondrinas.

Search for the Perfect Location

By Amy Herrick | May 12, 2015

After a thorough analysis of the water resources in Uruguay and particularly studying the properties of the Río Negro river, it is concluded that the ideal location to settle the sturgeon farm is nearby the Baygorria Dam, in the department of Río Negro.

The Adventure Begins

By Amy Herrick | May 12, 2015

Walter Alcalde decides to carry out practicability research on the possibility of breeding sturgeons in Uruguay.

Blinis with a scoop of cream and caviar

By Amy Herrick | May 12, 2015

Makes 30 pancakes (10 cm / 4 in diameter) Ingredients Blinis 360 g (12.7 oz) of flour 1 tsp of salt 5 tsp baking powder 3 tbsp of sugar 2 yolks 560 ml (19 oz) of milk 25 g (0.9 oz) of butter 2 egg whites Topping 400 g (14 oz) of cream cheese Lime…